With an increased focus on sustainability and reducing carbon emission, California has implemented a new rule establishing a path to…
In today’s update, we’re learning about the state of New York regarding their adoption of California EV Rules by 2035. …
In today’s update, we’re learning about Affinitiv’s Auto Industry 2022 update regarding Auto Dealership Challenges. As we all understand the…
The California Highway Patrol recently developed an education program specifically designed for senior citizens. The new program, named “Age Well, Drive Smart” is geared toward helping 65-year-olds and older maintain their ability to drive.
This past year, new car prices skyrocketed and companies were unable to meet their a-typical sales metrics. However, more recently, used car prices are returning back to a normal rate. Part of the reason why new cars were so expensive this past year was partially accredited to the global microchip shortage, which then minimized available supplies.
Is your license about to expire or are you looking to travel anywhere after May of 2023? If you are,…